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The Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission was established under s. 26 of the Judges Act to inquire, at least every four years, into the adequacy of the salaries and other amounts payable to federally-appointed judges under the Act, and into the adequacy of judges’ benefits generally.  In 2014, the Act was amendedto provide that for the purposes of the inquiry the prothonotaries of the Federal Court be considered as judges.

The first Quadrennial Commission was established in September 1999, with subsequent Commissions in 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2015.  This is the sixth Commission.

The Commission consists of three members appointed by the Governor in Council. One member is nominated by the judiciary, and in the case of this Commission that member is Mr. Peter Griffin. The second member is nominated by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.  In this instance, that member is Ms. Margaret Bloodworth.  These two members together nominated Ms. Martine Turcotte to act as the Chair of the Commission.

Pursuant to the Judges Act, the Commission must submit a report containing its recommendations to the Minister of Justice of Canada, who shall respond to the report within four months after receiving it.

In conducting its inquiry, the Commission examines the various submissions it receives keeping in mind the following factors:

  • the prevailing economic conditions in Canada, including the cost of living, and the overall economic and current financial position of the federal government;
  • the role of financial security of the judiciary in ensuring judicial independence;
  • the need to attract outstanding candidates to the judiciary; and
  • any other objective criteria that the Commission considers relevant.
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The Government accepts all recommendations of the Turcotte Commission.
December 29, 2021 – Ottawa, Ontario – Department of Justice Canada

The judiciary plays a unique and fundamentally important role in Canada’s democracy. Every four years, an independent three-person commission is established to inquire into the adequacy of the compensation and benefits of federally appointed judges and Federal Court prothonotaries. On August 30, 2021, the Quadrennial Commission on Judicial Compensation and Benefits submitted its report and recommendations to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Today, the Minister released the government’s response to the report and accepted all of the Commission’s recommendations. The federal government will act in the near future to implement the recommendations, including through the introduction of the necessary amendments to the Judges Act.


“I thank the Commission members for their diligent efforts and the key role they play in protecting the independence of superior court judges and the Federal Court prothonotaries. We are accepting all of the Commission’s recommendations.”

The Honourable David Lametti, P.C., Q.C., M.P.
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada


  • The process for setting judicial compensation is unique and based on the constitutional principles set out by the Supreme Court of Canada.
  • The Quadrennial Commission on Judicial Compensation and Benefits, commonly referred to as the Quadrennial Commission, is established every four years to make recommendations to the Minister of Justice regarding the adequacy of salary and benefits of all federally appointed judges and Federal Court prothonotaries.
  • In light of the ongoing pandemic, the start date of the Commission’s inquiry was delayed from June 1, 2020 to December 1, 2020. Consequently, the report was provided to the Minister of Justice on August 30, 2021.
  • Publication of the Response is in keeping with the public interest nature of this constitutional process, namely that the Government must respond publicly to the Commission’s report.



Chantalle Aubertin
Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Media Relations
Department of Justice Canada

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